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Yadda ake orange juice

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yadda ake orange juice
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Ku koyi yadda ake orange juice cikin sauki kuma ba tare da bata lokaci ba. Wannan recipe na bukatan kayan hadi biyar da kuma steps uku.

Abubuwan hadawa

  1. Lemun zaki (orange)
  2. Citta danya
  3. Ruwan lemun tsami
  4. Sugar
  5. Ruwa

Yadda ake hadawa

  1. Ki samu lemu ki bare ki yanka kanana ki zuba a blender.
  2. Ki sa citta, sugar, da ruwa ki nika, in ya yi sai ki tace.
  3. Ki sa ruwan lemun tsami kadan ki juya, a sa a fridge in ya yi sanyi a sha.

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